Friday, December 10, 2010

Recognizing the usefulness of existing tools in photoshop.

Before you start learning to use Adobe Photoshop program we encourage the reader to recognize any function of Photoshop tools because in fact this is where your foundation is formed. If a strong foundation will undoubtedly be easier in further understanding.But before we recognize the tools that we will use we should first recognize our work area.

Here is the Adobe Photoshop workspace :
1. A --> Menu.
2. B --> Tool Option Bar.
3. C --> ToolBox.
4. D --> Various types of palette like, history, action, brush options
5. Navigation palette, color palette dan layer palette.

The function of each tool in Adobe Photoshop :
A. Marquee tool : This tool serves to make the selection space in various forms that have been provided.
B. Move Tools :  is a tool in photoshop that is often used to select the layer and move or change the layout layer.
C . Lasso tool : in Photoshop used to select certain areas freely in accordance with mouse movement.
D. Magic wand tool :This tool is used to select areas that have similar color objects. Tolerance will be selected colors can be specified in the options palette of the Magic Wand Tool.
E . Crop tool :used to crop the image by making a square selection with the crop tool and then executed by pressing the enter key.
F.   Slince tool : Photoshop is a specialized tool for web design matters. Slice tool used to cut the image into smaller parts before being exported in the form of HTML code.
G.   Patch tool : Used to paint in a certain area or a sample image with a certain pattern.
H.   Brush tool is used to create a line in accordance with the direction of the mouse as when you decorate the wall with a brush.
I.    Stamp tool : This tool serves to duplicate the object in the photos from one place to another, or to paint based on color samples have been taken first.
J.    History Brush tool : Used to paint the image using a snapshot or history state of Image
K.   Erase tool : Used to remove the pixel image and restore it to a specific state.
L.   Paint bucket tool : Used to paint the selected area with foreground color or a particular pattern.
M.  Sharpen tool : serves to make the image blurry  becomes more sharp, localized and will be adjusted by mouse movements.
N.  Burn tool : Used to darken the colors in a certain area on image
OPath selection tool : Used to perform the path selection
PType tool : Used to make writing
QPen toolUsed to create a curved path with a smooth-curved.
RCustom Shape tool : To create a specific shape form from the displayed list.
SNotes toolUsed to make a note on the image such as copyright.
TEyedropper Tool : Used to take on the color sample for color image foreground
UHand tool : Used to shift / move the field of view image in the window view area.
VZoom tool : Used to increase or decrease the image display.
W. Foreground color : to change the foreground color


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